La The media construction of the musician and its production as politics: the role of the Chilean specialized press in the framework of independent musicians (2014-2018)

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Arturo Figueroa-Bustos

This article focuses on the tensions through which the contemporary –also known as indie– Chilean musician and their musical production is politically framed, and understood as discourse. Following Mercer & Shingler (2004), who argue that the limits of discursive genres are defined by a negotiation between authors, recipients, and expert critique/opinion, this paper analyzes the role that the specialized music press plays in politically framing these musicians through interviews, the questions that are asked, and the ways in which the press titles the resulting articles. From this perspective, it is understood that these ways of framing are in constant negotiation, and that the versions of truth maintained by producers, spectators and media are crossed in them. Using Critical Discourse Analysis, this work offers an interpretation of a deliberate, non-generalizable sample, including relevant cases of texts produced by journalists, published between 2014 and 2018 in the media, and accessible through websites on the Internet.


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Author Biography

Arturo Figueroa-Bustos

Facultad de Humanidades y Comunicaciones Universidad Finis Terrae, Santiago de Chile

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How to Cite
Figueroa-Bustos, A. (2020). La The media construction of the musician and its production as politics: the role of the Chilean specialized press in the framework of independent musicians (2014-2018). Contrapulso - Journal of Latin American Popular Music Studies, 2(1), 64-82.